Your teacher will assign specific lessons to you. Please follow instructions for each lesson and let your teacher know when you are finished.

Lesson 1 - The Derek Redmond Story 

Watch the video below, then click the link below the video to answer questions about the video. 

After you watch the video, click the link and answer the questions on the form to complete the lesson. Click here: Video Feedback Form

Lesson 2 - Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

Watch the video below, then click the link below the video to submit your feedback on what you watched.

After you watch the video, click the link and answer the questions on the form to complete the lesson. Click here: Ordinary People Video Feedback Form

Lesson 3 - You Are Heroes

Erin, a teacher in an inner-city high school, invites Miep Gies to speak to her students. Ms. Gies was a citizen who helped to hide Anne Frank. She is an inspiration to the students with her powerful message.

After you watch the video, click on the link below the video to finish the lesson by responding on the Video Feedback Form.


 Finish the lesson by clicking on the link to give your responses to the video. Click HERE: You Are Heroes Video Feedback Form

Lesson 4 - "Grit" is More Important than Talent

Angela Duckworth has done a lot of research on qualities that predict "greatness." She defines "grit" as “the perseverance and passion for a long-term goal." 

Click the link below to read more, then to complete the lesson, be sure to answer the feedback questions.

Article, Grit is More Important than Talent: Click HERE.

To complete the lesson, click HERE to give your feedback.

Lesson 5 - Michael Jordan: Why Failure is Never Final

Michael Jordan played baseball for a while with the Birmingham Barons, in the stadium not too far away from Hoover High School. Listen to what he has to say about playing and what others said.

After you watch the video, click the link below the video to submit your feedback on what you watched.

Finish the lesson by clicking on the link to give your responses to the video. 
Click HERE: Michael Jordan Video Feedback Form

Lesson 6 - Soul Surfer

Soul Surfer is a movie based on the real-life story of teen surfer Bethany Hamilton. She lost her arm in a shark attack, but returned after losing her arm to become a champion again!

After you watch the video, click the link below the video to submit your feedback on what you watched.

Finish the lesson by clicking on the link to give your responses to the video. 
Click HERE: Soul Surfer Video Feedback Form

Lesson 7 - Rocky Balboa

In this inspirational movie clip from Rocky Balboa, Rocky talks to his son about giving up too easily and blaming others. Watch the video clip below, then finish the lesson by clicking on the link below the video and giving your feedback.

Finish the lesson by clicking on the link to give your responses to the video. 
Click HERE: Rocky Balboa Video Feedback Form